cMAX-2000 at Golf Day & Tech Night, an event hosted by ISALA

cMAX-2000 at Golf Day & Tech Night, an event hosted by ISALA

Golf Day & Tech Night was hosted by Los Angeles Section of the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. This event took place at the Rio Hondo Country Club in Downey, CA on April 22, 2005. Among other participants, Surelok demonstrated its products and services at this event. Also, Mr. Najum Uzman, Product Manager, delivered a lecture at this exhibition. He stressed upon the importance of Selecting right components for Contaminant Free Gas Sample Systems. In his presentation, Uzman emphasized that the integrity of gas flowing through a gas delivery system is highly dep犀利士
endent on the choice of tubing, connectors, valves and the methods used to to put systems together. His presentation reviewed the critical aspects of selection and handling of sample system components, and methods of construction to prevent gas contamination during transfer and usage. He also demonstrated the proper use of Truelok™ brand Face Seal fittings, Mini Weld fittings, replacement for VCR® style fittings, glands and gaskets and Compression/Tube Fittings in constructing simple yet clean gas panels and sample systems for instrumentation.

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